大竹香織 (ハープ)
5 歳よりharpを始める
9 歳でカナダ バンクーバーに移住
バンクーバー音楽学校、ビクトリア音楽学校を経てタカ クリング氏に師事
フランス ニースにてマダム フォンタン ビノシェ氏にフランス文化とハープ音楽を師事
日本ハープコンクールにて ヤング部門、アドバンス部門、プロフェッショナル部門の
USA国際ハープコンクールにて、母校カーティスの故マリリン コステロ賞受賞
カーネギーホールにて、姉 大竹美弥とのハープデュオ演奏
ケン シェ指揮のバンクーバーシンフォニーオーケストラ、バンクーバーで開催された
仙台宮城大学において、東日本大震災の復興支援の為、作家 桐島洋子氏の講演と
Harpist Kaori Otake’s powerful, radiant performance and vibrant energy of her soaring on majestic wing will reverberate in your heart. Ms Otake has won numerous competitions including the 1st prizes of the Japan International Harp Competition in all divisions. (Professional, Advanced, Junior Divisions) The winner of the Indiana University Harp Concerto Competition where she appeared as a soloist with the IU Concert Orchestra under the guest conductor, Sergiu Comissiona, a former music director of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. She was also awarded the Marilyn Costello Memorial Prize in the USA International Harp Competition.
Ms Otake has given solo recitals and concerto performances around the world. Most recently, she has performed the Debussy Danses with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the Handel Concerto with the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra conducted by Ken Hsieh. Some of her other concerts includes guest performer at the Carnegie Hall in New York in a harp duo with her sister, Miya Otake, several television programs, appearances in the World Harp Congress in the Focus on Youth Concert in Seattle and the Prize Winner Concert in Geneva. She has also performed the Mozart Concerto with the Nippon Phil conducted by Kenichiro Kobayashi.
She has graduated from Indiana University under Susann McDonald, The Juilliard School under Nancy Allen, and The Curtis Institute of Music under Marilyn Costello. In earlier years, she studied at the Vancouver Academy of Music and the Victoria Conservatory under Taka Kling where she received many prizes and awards from the Conservatory and various music festivals.